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North Kelvinside School

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Education

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North Kelvinside School

A photograph of North Kelvinside Secondary School, taken during the 1970s. The earliest buildings of this school on Oban Drive were built in 1914 and 1920 in red sandstone, and the latest during the 1960s in the concrete-clad style typical of that period.

None of the buildings lasted far into the 21st century, however, as the school was merged with the extended Cleveden Secondary in Kelvindale in the late 1990s. As a result, North Kelvinside School was demolished early in 2003 and the site earmarked for housing.

Reference: T-ED 5/29/6/123

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

North Kelvinside Secondary School, red sandstone, secondary schools

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