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Linen bleachers

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Linen bleachers

The Linen Bleachers, a stained glass window by Stephen Adam (1848-1910), c 1878.

This window is one of a series of twenty made for Maryhill Burgh Halls. Each of the windows showed a trade or profession carried on in the burgh, which was established in 1856 and remained independent until it was annexed by Glasgow in 1891. The stained glass panels are now part of the People's Palace collections.

These two women are spreading linen out to bleach in the sun. There were many bleachfields on open ground on the outskirts of Glasgow by the end of the 18th century. With the invention of bleaching powder in 1799 bleachfields began to disappear from the countryside around the city.

Reference: 510.86.129 / OG.1963.52

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow city Council, Glasgow Museums

bleachfields, bleaching powder, linen bleachers, Maryhill Burgh Halls, stained glass windows, women

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