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A portion of pakora, with a sauce dip and spiced onions.

Of all the dishes served in Glasgow's Indian restaurants, pakora is one of the most popular. It is usually ordered as a starter or a snack and originally consisted of mixed vegetables deep-fried in chick-pea flour with ginger, garlic, cumin and other spices, although today there are mushroom, fish, chicken and any number of variations including haggis!

Glasgow's first "Indian" restaurants opened in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of the new restaurateurs were ethnic Punjabis from either side of the India-Pakistan border, and the menus were heavily influenced by traditional dishes of the Punjab. The range and variety of food on offer at Indian restaurants has expanded enormously by the early years of the 21st century, but pakora remains a favourite with Glaswegian diners.

Reproduced with the permission of Harlequin Restaurants

eating, Indian food, Indian restaurants, Indians, Indo-Pakistani food, Pakistanis, pakoras, Punjabi food, Punjabis

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