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High Street, 1955
High Street, 1955

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Turkey Red

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Turkey Red

A sample of Turkey Red cloth c 1850-1890 from a United Turkey Red Co pattern book.

The technique of Turkey Red dyeing came to Scotland in the 1780s. The process used a natural dye called madder together with a mordant (a chemical which fixed the colour to the cloth) and produced a range of red, brown and black shades. The development of the Scottish chemical industry led to the production of new mordants and chemical dyes, giving dyers a richer variety of colours to choose from.

Reference: 1360.91.203 / PP.1986.273.49

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

calico printers, cloth designs, dyeing, dyers, dyes, exports, pattern books, patterns, Turkey Red, United Turkey Red Co

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