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The Waverley Tavern

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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The Waverley Tavern

The Waverley Tavern, Water Row, Govan in the 1860s.

Records show that there had been an inn in the Water Row (which leads to an ancient river ford) since the 16th century. King James V (1512-1542) is said to have drunk there while travelling through Scotland disguised as the "Guid Man of Ballengeich" to find out for himself the state of his kingdom. By the late 18th century the inn was managed by David Dreghorn and the monthly meetings of the "White Wine Club" were held there. The Club members were Glasgow gentlemen who came to eat salmon caught in the Clyde and drink copious amounts of whisky, which they referred to as "white wine".

In the 19th century the inn became the Waverley Tavern, popularly known as the "Buc" for the proprietor, a Mr Buchanan. It was especially popular on Saturday afternoons and evenings, when the clientele gathered to drink porter and eat hot meat pies. Around 1900 the licence was transferred to a pub in Langlands Road.

Reference: 660.77.346

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

bars, Buc, clubs, drinking, eating, fords, inns, meat pies, porter, public houses, pubs, salmon, taverns, Waverley Tavern, whisky, White Wine Club

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