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Dallas's Catalogue, 1915

Glasgow University Archive Services, House of Fraser

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Dallas's Catalogue, 1915

Household and fancy goods illustrated in Dallas's mail order catalogue, 1915. This page shows a selection of household goods including frames; brushes; a paint box; a Japanese pipe rack; photograph frames; paper racks and a hand stereoscope with views.

The stereoscope was invented in 1833 and became a popular toy. Two images of an object or scene, when examined through the eye-pieces of the stereoscope, merge to give the observer the impression of depth and perspective in the field of view. The stereoscope brought home to Victorian families the people, places and wonders of the wider world, in a more exciting and arresting manner than could be achieved in the two-dimensional photographs and drawings that appeared in books and newspapers.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, HF15/7/1/26

House of Fraser plc

brushes, Dallas's, department stores, hand stereoscopes, mail order catalogues, Milton House, paint boxes, photograph frames, scientific instruments

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