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Zoology Laboratory

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Zoology Laboratory

The new Zoology Laboratory in the University of Glasgow's Zoology Building, 1955. The rows of benches are equipped with microscopes and chemical bottles and some with slide boxes, specimens and drawings.

The Chair of Natural History was established in 1807, but the study of zoology was initially overshadowed by its more popular stable-mate, geology. A separate Chair of Geology was founded in 1903 and the chair of Natural History was renamed Zoology.

John Graham Kerr was the first Professor of Zoology at the University, and the first to teach the subject who regarded it as his chief interest. In 1994 the Zoology Department became part of the Environmental and Evolutionary Biology Division of the Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, which gained Faculty status in 2000.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU28/6

University of Glasgow

classrooms, Graham Kerr Building, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, laboratories, professors, University of Glasgow buildings, Zoology Building, Zoology Museum

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