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Glass panel by George Walton
Glass panel by George Walton

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Fashions for November

GUL, Sp Coll, Northern Looking Glass

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Fashions for November

Coloured cartoon from the Northern Looking Glass 14 November 1825 with the title "Fashions for November". The caption notes that "The hat à la champignon is now quite outré, referring to the large mushroom-shaped hats that the cartoonist had mocked in earlier issues. In this image, he mocks instead the fad for voluminous puffed sleeves and includes an apt quotation from William Shakespeare.

Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections

dandies, dresses, fashions, Glasgow Looking Glass, gowns, hats, lithographs, Northern Looking Glass, puffed sleeves, women

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