Added TheGlasgowStory: John Logie Baird


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John Logie Baird

Strathclyde University Archives

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John Logie Baird

A staged photograph of John Logie Baird, right, shaking hands with Sir John Samuel. It shows Samuel, official secretary to the Lord Provosts of Glasgow from 1901 till his death in 1934, congratulating Baird on his historic transmission of television pictures, using an ordinary telephone line, from London to a receiver set up in the Central Hotel in Glasgow in 1927.

Born in Helensburgh, Baird completed his diploma in electrical engineering at the Royal Technical College in 1914. By this time, while living in Yoker, he was already showing promise as an inventor, with a particular interest in television transmission.

Baird moved to England, and in 1925 in London he was successful in transmitting his first television picture: the head of a dummy. He followed up his success in transmitting pictures from London to Glasgow by transmitting the first transatlantic TV signal in 1928. In the same year, he demonstrated colour television for the first time. He also invented the first videodisc, the phonodisc, and worked on radar technology for the military authorities.

Reference: P4/118/24

Reproduced with the permission of Strathclyde University Archives

broadcasting, Central Hotel, colour television, electrical engineering, electronics, engineers, inventors, phonodiscs, radar, Royal Technical College, secretaries, television, TV, videodiscs

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