Added TheGlasgowStory: Dugald Bannatyne


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Dugald Bannatyne

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Dugald Bannatyne

A Thomas Annan photograph of a portrait of Dugald Bannatyne (1755-1842). The painting was by John Graham-Gilbert.

Bannatyne was a partner in the hosiery and stocking manufacturing firm Johnston, Bannatyne & Co, with premises in Trongate and a warehouse in Ingram Street. In the late 19th century he was a partner with his brother John in a firm that acquired land to the west of the city centre and built houses and warehouses in and around George Square and the area which became known as the Merchant City. He was the Secretary of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce between 1809 and 1830, and early supporter of Free Trade and the abolition of the Corn Laws and Glasgow's postmaster, 1806-1842.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 920.041435 COR

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, hosiers, Johnston, Bannatyne & Co, merchants, portraits, Postmasters, property developers, stocking manufacturers

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