Corporation flats at Duntarvie Quadrant, Easterhouse, pictured in 1959. Street after street of similar housing was built during the 1950s and early 1960s.
Many tenants who had moved from inner city slums to Easterhouse were initially delighted with the modern facilities in their new houses. But in the rush to build homes, vital amenities were overlooked. The first secondary school on the estate did not open until 1962 and children had to get up early to catch one of the dozens of buses which took them to their old schools in the city. Shops, community centres and cafes were also slow in making their appearances on the estate - the Township Centre was not completed until 1971. There were no pubs. The light industries which it was believed would rush into the area attracted by the pool of readily-available local labour failed to come in significant numbers, and unemployment was high.
Dampness became a problem in many houses and by the mid-1960s Easterhouse had acquired an unenviable reputation for poverty, crime and gang warfare.
Reference: Post-war housing no.2, A/32/F/46
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
council houses, crime, dampness, gangs, Glasgow Corporation, housing estates, housing schemes, social deprivation
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