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Rudolph Kenna

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Born in Glasgow of Scottish-American parentage, Rudolph Kenna studied economic and social history at the University of Strathclyde. He has written extensively about his native city and is the author on twelve books, mainly on Scottish subjects.

Rudolph Kenna has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

Early times to 1560 - Everyday Life: Drinking
Long before the Romans invaded the British Isles, the indigenous populations made a crude form of al...
1560 to 1770s - Everyday Life: Drinking
In 1574 Glasgow's magistrates fixed the maximum price of strong ale - "King's Ale" - at 6d per Scots...
1770s to 1830s - Everyday Life: Drinking
By the 1770s "Glasgow Punch" - a mixture of Jamaica rum and water, flavoured with lemons and limes -...
1830s to 1914 - Everyday Life: Drinking
In 1831, Glasgow was reckoned to have 2,850 taverns - one for every fourteen inhabitants. As the old...
1914 to 1950s - Everyday Life: Drinking
During the First World War, the Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) restricted pub opening hours. Warti...
1950s to The Present Day - Everyday Life: Drinking
High taxation put Scotland's national drink out of reach of many Glaswegians in the early 1950s. Ch...

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