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Education at the Art Galleries
Education at the Art Galleries

Glasgow Shipwrights' Society
Glasgow Shipwrights' Society

Further Reading

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Bannister, Winifred, James Bridie and his Theatre (London, 1955)

Bridie, James, pseudonym of Osborne Henry Mavor, One Way of Living (London, 1939)

Cameron, Alasdair, “Bridie: The Scottish Playwright”, Chapman, 55-6, (Spring 1989) 124-32

Gourlay, Jack and Saunders, R C (eds), The Story of the Glasgow Citizens’ Theatre, 1943-1948 (Glasgow, 1949)

Low, John T, Doctors, Devils, Saints and Sinners. A Critical Study of the Plays of James Bridie (Edinburgh, 1980)

Luyben, Helen, James Bridie: Clown and Philosopher (Philadelphia, 1965)

Mavor, Ronald, Dr Mavor and Mr Bridie (Edinburgh, 1988)

Paterson, Tony, “James Bridie: Playwright as Impresario?”, Chapman, 55-6, (Spring 1989) 139-145

Tobin, Terence, James Bridie (Osborne Henry Mavor) (Boston, 1980)

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