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Cardinal Winning
Cardinal Winning

Penilee in Wartime
Penilee in Wartime

Further Reading

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Charles McKean, The Scottish Thirties. An Architectural Introduction, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh 1987

Rudolph Kenna, Scotland in the Thirties, Richard Drew Publishing, Glasgow 1987

Rudolph Kenna, Glasgow Art Deco, Richard Drew Publishing, Glasgow 1985

Charles McKean, ‘Between the Wars’, in Peter Reed, ed., Glasgow. The Forming of the City, Edinburgh University Press, 1993

Neil Baxter, ‘Early Coia Buildings’ in Mac Journal one: Gillespie Kidd & Coia, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow 1994

Elizabeth Williamson, Anne Riches & Malcolm Higgs, The Buildings of Scotland: Glasgow, Penguin, London 1990

Gavin Stamp, ‘Mackintosh, Burnet and Modernity’ in The Age of Mackintosh. Architectural Heritage III, Journal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, Edinburgh University Press, 1992

Audrey Sloane & Gordon Murray, James Miller 1860-1947, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Edinburgh 1993

Gavin Stamp, ‘The Neo-Classical Town in Late Victorian and Early 20th-Century Scotland’ in W.A. Brogden, ed., The Neo-Classical Town: Scottish Contributions to Urban Design since 1750, Rutland Press, Edinburgh 1996

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