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Further Reading

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Checkland, O, and Lamb, M (eds), Health Care as Social History (Aberdeen, 1982)

Dow, D, The Rotton Row, The History of the Glasgow Maternity Hospital, 1834-1984 (Carnforth, 1984)

Dow, D, The Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow (Glasgow, 1986)

Hamilton, D, The Healers (Edinburgh, 1987)

Jenkinson, J, Moss, M, and Russell, I, The Royal (Glasgow, 1994)

Jenkinson, J, Scotland’s Health 1919-1948 (Bern, 2002)

Kerr, A, and McQueen, L, The Western Infirmary in Glasgow, 1874-1974 (Glasgow, 1974)

Levitt, I, Poverty and Welfare in Scotland, 1890-1948 (Edinburgh, 1988)

MacGregor, A, Public Health in Glasgow 1905-1946 (Edinburgh and London, 1967)

McLachlan, G (ed), Improving the Common Weal. Aspects of Scottish Health Services 1900-1984 (Edinburgh, 1987)

Nottingham, C, The NHS in Scotland (Aldershot, 2000)

Reid, L, Scottish Midwives (East Linton, 2000)

Robertson, E, The Yorkhill Story (Glasgow, 1972)

Slater, S, and Dow, D (eds), The Victoria Infirmary of Glasgow, 1890-1900 (Glasgow, 1990)

Smout, T C, A Century of the Scottish People, 1830-1950 (London, 1987)

Spring-Rice, M, Working Class Wives, Second Edition (London, 1981)

Stevens, M, The Good Scots Diet, What Happened to it? (Aberdeen, 1985)

Webster, C (ed), Caring for Health: History and Diversity (Buckingham, 1993)

Wright Thomson, A M, The History of the Glasgow Eye Infirmary 1824-1962 (Glasgow 1963)

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