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Primary Sources

Anon, The Industries of Glasgow(Glasgow, 1888).

Baird, C. R., Report on the General Sanitary Condition of the Working Classes and Poor in the City of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1841)

Bremner, David, The Industries of Scotland. Their Rise, Progress and Present Position (Edinburgh, 1869)

Glasgow Corporation, Municipal Glasgow: Its Evolution and Enterprises (Glasgow, 1914).

Marwick, Sir James D., Glasgow: the Water Supply of the City from the Earliest Period on Record(Glasgow, 1901).

Muir, J. H., Glasgow in 1901(Glasgow, 1901)

Nicol, James, Vital Social and Economic Statistics of the City of Glasgow 1885-1891 (Glasgow, 1891)

Secondary Works

Allan, C.M., 'The genesis of British urban redevelopment, with special reference to Glasgow', Economic History Review, XVIII (1965).

Cage, R.A. (ed), The Working Class in Glasgow 1750-1914 (London, 1987).

Chalmers, A.K., The Health of Glasgow, 1818-1925(Glasgow, 1930)

Fraser, W. Hamish and Maver, Irene (eds), Glasgow 1813 to 1912(Manchester, 1996)

Fraser, W. Hamish, “Competing with the Capital: The Case of Glasgow versus Edinburgh”, in Lars Nilsson (ed), Capital Cities. Images and Realities in the Historical Development of European Capital Cities (Stockholm, 2000).

Gibb, A., Glasgow. The Making of a City(London, 1983)

Hume, John R, and Moss, Michael, Clyde Shipbuilding (London, 1975).

Hume, John R. and Moss, Michael, Beardmore: the History of a Scottish Industrial Giant(London, 1979).

Hume, John R. and Moss, Michael, Workshop of the British Empire (London, 1977).

Hume, John R., The Industrial Archaeology of Glasgow(London, 1974)

Maver, Irene, Glasgow(Edinburgh, 2000).

McCaffrey, J., “The Origins of Liberal-Unionism in the west of Scotland”, Scottish Historical Review (London,1971) pp. 47-71.

McKinlay, A and Morris, R.J., The ILP on Clydeside 1893-1932: from foundation to disintegration (Manchester, 1991).

Slaven, A., The Development of the West of Scotland (London, 1975).

Smyth, J.J. Labour in Glasgow 1896-1936: Socialism, Suffrage, Sectarianism(East Linton, 2000).

Thomas, J. The Springburn Story (London, 1964).

Treble, J. H., “Skilled sectionalism, unemployment and class in Glasgow, 1880-1914” in D. Fraser (ed), Cities, Class and Communication (Brighton, 1990).

Treble, J. J., “Unemployment and unemployment policies in Glasgow 1890-1905” in Pat Thane (ed), The Origins of British Social Policy (London, 1978).

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