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Partick Coat of Arms
Partick Coat of Arms

Finnieston Crane
Finnieston Crane

Further Reading

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Barrowman, J, History of Scotch mining and miners (Hamilton, 1889)

Campbell, A B, The Lanarkshire Miners. A Social History of their Trade Unions, 1775-1874 (Edinburgh, 1979)

Duckham, B F, A History of the Scottish coal industry Vol. I: 1700-1815 (Newton Abbot, 1970)

Duckham, B F, “The Emergence of the Professional Manager in the Scottish Coal Industry, 1760-1815”, Business History Review, 43 (1969) 21-38

Flinn, M W, The history of the British coal industry, volume 2: 1700-1830: The Industrial Revolution (Oxford, 1984)

Maxwell, G M, Under rocks and hard masters. A review of mine management in Scotland c. 1800-1960 (Uddingston, 2002)

Payne, P L, “The Govan Collieries, 1804-1805”, Business History, III (1961) 75-96

Payne, P L (ed), Studies in Scottish Business History (London, 1967)

Slaven, A, The Development of the West of Scotland 1750-1960 (Edinburgh, 1975)

Walsh, J A, Scottish Slate Quarries (Edinburgh, 2000)

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