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Further Reading

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Brydall, Robert, Art in Scotland: its origin and progress (Edinburgh and London, 1889).

Burnett, John, Riot, Revelry and Rout: Sport in Lowland Scotland before 1860 (East Linton, 2000).

Cleland, James, Annals of Glasgow, comprising an account of the public buildings, charities, and the Rise and Progress of the City volume II (Glasgow, 1816).

Fairfull-Smith, George, The Foulis Press and The Foulis Academy: Glasgow’s Eighteenth-Century School of Art and Design(Glasgow, 2001).

Findlay, Bill (ed), A History of Scottish Theatre (Edinburgh, 1998).

Geddes, Olive M, A Swing Through Time: Golf in Scotland 1457-1743 (Edinburgh, 1992).

Gordon, J F S (ed), Glasghu Facies: A View of the City of Glasgow. . .By John M’Ure, alias Campbel . . . MDCCXXXVI. Comprising also every history hitherto published (Glasgow, 1872).

Harris, Paul and Halsby, Julian, The Dictionary of Scottish Painters 1600 to the Present (Edinburgh, 1998).

Irwin, David and Francina, Scottish Painters at Home and Abroad 1700-1900 (London, 1975).

Kinghorn, Jonathan and Quail, Gerard, Delftfield: A Glasgow Pottery 1748-1823 (Glasgow, 1986).

Macmillan, Duncan, Painting in Scotland: the Golden Age (Oxford, 1986).

Marwick, J D and Renwick, Robert (eds), Extracts from the records of the burgh of Glasgow vols 1-7 (Glasgow, 1876-1916).

Mill, Anna Jean, Mediaeval Plays in Scotland (St Andrews, 1927).

Renwick, Robert, Glasgow Memorials (Glasgow, 1908).

Tobin, Terence, “Popular Entertainment in Seventeenth Century Scotland”, in Theatre Notebook 23:1 (1968), 46-54

Whyte, Hamish (ed), Mungo’s Tongues: Glasgow Poems 1630-1990 (Edinburgh and London, 1993).

Williams, Andrew Gibbon and Brown, Andrew, The Bigger Picture: A History of Scottish Art(London, 1993).

Williamson, Eila, “Horse-racing in Scotland in the Sixteenth and earlier Seventeenth Centuries: Peebles and Beyond” in Review of Scottish Culture 14 (2001-2002), 31-42 [doesn’t mention Glasgow but gives an indication of the nature of the sport in this period as well as references to other material].

Websites: provides links to other websites (including art galleries). Can be used for Gavin Hamilton and David Allan.

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