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Donald Dewar
Donald Dewar

Cameronians War Memorial
Cameronians War Memorial

Further Reading

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Kenna, R, People’s Palaces, Victorian and Edwardian Pubs of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1983)

Kenna, R, The Glasgow Pub Companion (Glasgow, 1996 and 2001)

Kenna, R, and Sutherland, I, The Bevvy, The Story of Glasgow and Drink (Glasgow, 2000)

The following out of print licensed trade periodicals can be consulted in the Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow G3 7DN:

The Scottish Wine, Spirit and Beer Trades’ Review. Monthly, 1887-88

The Victualling Trades’ Review. Monthly, 1889-1908

The National Guardian. Weekly, 1889-1975

Hotel and Caterer. Monthly, 1912-13

Scottish Licensed Trade Guardian. Monthly, 1975-2001

For current information on all aspects of the Scottish licensed trade see Scottish Licensed Trade News (published fortnightly).

The Scottish Brewing Archive, 13 Thurso Street, Glasgow G11 6PW (Tel: 0141 330 6079), issues a Newsletter twice yearly and an annual Journal. The Archive, open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9.30am-5pm, contains a library of eight hundred books on drink-related topics. The annual SBA Open Day features brewery and distillery memorabilia. Website link:

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