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Education at the Art Galleries
Education at the Art Galleries

Burns & Laird Brochure
Burns & Laird Brochure

Further Reading

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Durkan, J and Kirk, J, The University of Glasgow, 1451-1577 (Glasgow 1977).

Ewan, Elizabeth, Townlife in Fourteenth-Century Scotland(Edinburgh 1990).

Forbes, A.P, (ed) Lives of St Ninian and St Kentigern (Edinburgh 1874).

McGrath, James, “The Medieval and Early Modern Burgh”, in Devine, T.M. and Jackson, Gordon (eds), Glasgow Volume 1: Beginnings to 1830 (Manchester 1995) 17-62.

McUre, J, A View of the City of Glasgow (Glasgow 1736).

Macquarrie, Alan ‘The Career of St Kentigern of Glasgow: Vitae, Lectiones and Glimpses of Fact’, Innes Review 37, No. 1 (1986) 3-24.

Marwick, J.D, (ed) Charters and Other Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 2 vols (Glasgow 1894-97).

Marwick, J.D, Early Glasgow. A History of the City of Glasgow from the Earliest Times to the Year 1611, (ed) Renwick, R (Glasgow 1911).

Marwick, J.D. and Renwick, R, (eds) Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, 11 vols (Glasgow, 1876-1916).

Murray, D, Early Burgh Organisation in Scotland as illustrated in the History of Glasgow and of some neighbouring Burghs 2 vols (Glasgow 1924).

Primrose, James, Medieval Glasgow (Glasgow 1913).

Shead, Norman F, “Glasgow: An Ecclesiastical Burgh”, in Lynch, M, Spearman, M, and Stell, G, (eds) The Scottish Medieval Town (Edinburgh, 1988) 116-32.

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