A business administration class at Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, c 1949. Evidently, management was still viewed as a male preserve at this time.
A Department of Business Administration was first formed in 1929, and was responsible for classes in Organisation of Commerce, Business Forecasting, Market Research and the Principles of Salesmanship. The level of support from local businesses at the time was regarded as disappointing. Many businessmen were unconvinced of the relevance of theoretical training to everyday business operations.
The the number of subjects was increased after the Second World War, as more professional bodies offered qualifications that could be obtained through study at the College. Some classes were aimed specifically at ex-servicemen. Students could study for a London University external degree in Commerce and Economics, and seventeen students graduated in 1951. In 1964 the Department was absorbed by the School of Business and Administration at the University of Strathclyde.
Reference: P4/183/2
Reproduced with the permission of Strathclyde University Archives
business administration, classrooms, commerce, economics, fashions, Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, management, market research, professional qualifications, salesmanship, students, University of London, University of Strathclyde
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