Playwright Marcella Evaristi, photographed while working at the University of Strathclyde as Creative Writing Fellow, 1984-1985.
Born in Glasgow with a Scottish-Italian background, Evaristi was educated at Notre Dame High School for Girls and the University of Glasgow. Her first play, the monologue Dorothy and the Bitch (1976), was performed by herself on stage, as were several of her later works. She draws heavily on her own experiences in writing her plays, which often contain witty observations on life from a feminist point of view.
Between 1976 and 1992, Evaristi produced eleven plays for stage, and five for radio. In 1982 the BBC Television Play for Today series included her Eve Set the Balls of Corruption Rolling, in which six former Catholic-educated old friends reunite for the first time in twelve years to swap tales of misadventure. Hard to Get, described as "a critique of feminism", was televised by Granada Television in 1983, having previously been produced on stage in 1980 and on radio in 1981.
Reference: P4/274
Reproduced with the permission of Strathclyde University Archives
actors, actresses, authors, creative writing fellows, drama, feminism, feminists, Italians, monologues, plays, playwrights, radio, television, theatre, University of Strathclyde, women
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