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Glasgow Shipwrights' Society
Glasgow Shipwrights' Society

Stirling Coach
Stirling Coach

The Armadillo

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board

The Armadillo

The entrance to the Clyde Auditorium at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC).

The Clyde Auditorium opened in 1997 as an extension to the facilities already available at the SECC. The 3,000-seat auditorium has become an extremely popular conference and concert venue. The building's distinctive outline quickly earned it the nickname "The Armadillo".

Reference: SECC

Reproduced with the permission of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board

Armadillo, auditoria, auditoriums, Clyde Auditorium, concert halls, conference centres, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, SECC

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