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Glasgow Science Centre

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board

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Glasgow Science Centre

The hair-raising effects of a Van der Graaf generator, as demonstrated on a visitor to the Science Mall at Glasgow Science Centre.

Opened in 2001, the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC) is Scotland's flagship Millennium Project. It consists of three stunning contemporary buildings including the IMAX Theatre and the Glasgow Tower, with the Science Mall acting as the centrepiece. The Science Mall contains hundreds of intriguing and entertaining hands-on science exhibits and provides lively learning experiences for all members of the family. The Mall is also home to the ScottishPower Space Theatre and the Virtual Science Theatre.

Reference: IMG0019

Reproduced with the permission of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board

children, girls, Glasgow Science Centre, GSC, Millennium Projects, science centres, science exhibits, Science Mall, science museums, Van der Graaf generators, visitor centres

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