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Glasgow Polytechnic, 1991

Glasgow Caledonian University, Research Collections, Archives

Glasgow Polytechnic, 1991

Glasgow Polytechnic, photographed at the time of its establishment in 1991.

In 1987 the Board of Governors of Glasgow College of Technology agreed to change the name to Glasgow College, mainly for advertising purposes, while retaining the name Glasgow College of Technology for legal purposes. It had been proposed to designate the College a polytechnic in 1971 and 1979 but it was not until 1 January 1991 that it became Glasgow Polytechnic. The Polytechnic was officially launched on 1 May 1991.

The new institution had ambitions to become a University and to award its own degrees. Discussions were entered into with The Queen's College, Glasgow, with regards to a merger and the intention to merge was announced on 4 December 1991. In June 1992 Glasgow Polytechnic was granted full degree-awarding powers and on 1 April 1993 it finally merged with The Queen's College, Glasgow to form Glasgow Caledonian University.

Reference: GB 1847 GP

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow Caledonian University, Research Collections, Archives

colleges, degrees, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow College, Glasgow College of Technology, Glasgow Polytechnic, polytechnics, Queen's College, universities

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