Front cover of the first issue of the Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science Students Union magazine, which appeared in January 1921.
The magazine was produced to a high standard with the first cover designed by a Diploma II student, Margaret Duncan. The contents included articles, reports, essays, poetry, verse, photographic competition, past students' positions of employment, calendar, personal news and advertisements. It was about fifty pages long and the publication was to continue annually in various guises and forms.
The Bulletin published this review of the magazine on 15 January 1925:
"...The students of the Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science, devoted as they are to the culinary arts, also show interest in the realms of literature and poetry. A very attractive production indeed is the fifth number of their Student's Union Magazine, and the articles therein reach a high literary standard. Verse, too, occupies a prominent place."Reference: GB 1847 QC
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow Caledonian University, Research Collections, Archives
cookery, designers, Dough School, Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science, magazines, students, women
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