A sampler made in Glasgow, 1802 by Jean Kerr, age 12.
Schoolgirls often made samplers as part of their education in domestic skills, using a variety of embroidery stitches. This wool canvas is embroidered with multi-coloured wool and silk thread. A fancy iron gate is shown at the bottom, set between two pillars. A path runs from the gate up to a large house. To the left stand a man, a woman and a girl (perhaps Jean and her parents). The man wears a military uniform. Britain had been at war with France since 1793 and many families had fathers, brothers or sons serving in the armed forces.
The upper part of the sampler is decorated with flowers and birds and has the initials G R set in a panel along with a crown. The initials are those of King George III (1738-1820) who came to the throne in 1760.
Reference: E.1980.8
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
birds, children, crowns, embroidery, flowers, French Revolutionary Wars, gates, girls, houses, Napoleonic Wars, samplers, sewing, soldiers, uniforms, women
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