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Bridgeton ILP

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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 Bridgeton ILP

Members of the Bridgeton Independent Labour Party outside the City Chambers c 1923-1925.

The ILP was a national political party with a democratic socialist agenda, formed in 1893 under the leadership of Keir Hardie. When the Labour Party was established in 1906 the ILP became affiliated. However, the ILP was more radical than the Labour Party and less willing to accept political compromise. It disafilliated in 1932 after disagreeing with Ramsay MacDonald's decision to enter into a coalition with the Liberals and Conservatives to the form a National Government, but most ILP Members of Parliament opted to remain with the Labour Party.

James Maxton became the ILP MP for Bridgeton in 1922 and held the seat until his death in 1946.

Reference: 685.86.547

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

banners, Glasgow City Chambers, ILP, Independent Labour Party, political activists, political demonstrations, political demonstrators, political rallies, socialists, women

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