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McKenzie's tearooms

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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McKenzie's tearooms

Waitresses standing outside C McKenzie & Son's bakers shop and tea room at 11 Argyle Street c 1897-1900. Two members of the counter staff are standing at the till in the window on the left, under the advertisement for Hovis bread and behind an array of enticing scones and cakes.

McKenzie's shop also contained a tea room which would have offered teas, cakes and light meals. Tea rooms became popular in Glasgow in the late 19th century partly because they offered teetotal alternatives to pubs and taverns as meeting and eating places. Many offered separate rooms for women customers, and ladies' "retiring rooms" which were greatly appreciated at a time when there were few public toilets for women.

Reference: 1070.88.41

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

bakers' shops, C McKenzie & Son, cakes, cash tills, Cytos Bread, employees, Hovis, ladies' rooms, ladies' toilets, scones, shop windows, tea rooms, waitresses, women

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