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Rendezvous Cafe

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Rendezvous Cafe

The Rendezvous Cafe in Duke Street, Dennistoun.

Mr Togneri came to Glasgow in 1920 from the village of Barga in Tuscany, Italy. He worked at first in a cafe in Anderston, but some years later he and his cousin set up on their own at the Rendezvous. The cafe had a reputation for its ice-cream which Mr Togneri made himself, getting up at dawn to collect the milk and start work. It was also very popular with courting couples. The Togneris owned the Rendezvous until the 1970s.

Although it must have been hard work, the Togneris clearly took a great pride in their cafe; every surface is spotless and highly polished. The weighing machine on the right would have been used to weigh measures of sweeties from the jars that line the shelves behind the counter.

Reference: 1070.5.282

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Bovril, cafe owners, courting couples, ice creams, immigrants, interiors, Italian cafes, Italians, Rendezvous Cafe, sweeties, sweets, weighing machines, women

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