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Knightswood rows c1920s

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Knightswood rows c1920s

Knightswood rows c 1920s.

This kind of housing was typically inhabited by miners in the West of Scotland. The best-known miners' rows in Knightswood were in the Red Town, at the east end of Baldric and Kestrel Roads. They consisted of two rows of houses built with hand-made bricks, and were the oldest houses in the district.

This photograph was taken by staff from the Corporation's Sanitary Department. The rows (of single-storey one room houses) are to the right. A man is standing at the pump which was the main source of water for the community. Lines of washing are slung across the street to dry in the winter sunshine.

Reference: 670.84.114

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

housing estates, Knightswood Hospital, laundry, miners' houses, miners' rows, Red Town, Sanitary Department, streetscenes, washing, washing lines, water pumps, women

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