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Pub With No Beer?

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Pub With No Beer?

The Govan British Workman's Coffee Tavern at 318 Govan Road, late 19th century. It is not clear what is held in the casks being delivered by horse and cart - the tavern sold only non-alcoholic refreshments.

"Coffee taverns" were established by temperance groups across the United Kingdom during the late 19th century in an attempt to lure working men from public houses. The teetotal establishments provided a range of games and other attractions in the hope that men would seek their entertainment (soberly) there, rather than over-indulging in strong drink at the local pub. This tavern is no exception: signs in the first floor windows advertise pool and billiards tables within.

Reference: 660.83.156

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

billiards, British Workman Coffee Tavern, British Workman's Coffee Tavern, casks, coffee houses, drinking, horses and carts, pool, pubs, soft drinks, taverns, temperance

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