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The Gelfer Family, 1924

Scottish Jewish Archives Centre

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The Gelfer Family, 1924

The Gelfer family in 1924. Seated are Sarah (1866-1936) and Eli Gelfer (1856-1929) who had probably come to Glasgow from Eastern Europe.

Behind their parents, from left to right, are Jack, Edith, Eliezer, Annie and Abram. The year after this photograph was taken Edith married Joe Shinwell, the younger brother of the left-wing activist and politician Mannie Shinwell. Eliezer became a doctor and practiced for many years in the Gorbals. Jack and Abram founded A & J Gelfer, a sucessful tie and cap manufacturing business in Bridgetonwhich continued until December 2000.

Reference: PHO.G.0011

Reproduced with the permission of the Scottish Jewish Archives Centre

cap-making, clothing manufacturers, doctors, families, immigrants, Jews, women

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