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Buchanan's Sweet Works

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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Buchanan's Sweet Works

Phoenix Park looking east to Buchanan's Confectionery Works in Cowcaddens, c 1940s. Garscube Road is on the right, by the trees.

John Buchanan & Bros founded these works in 1869 on a site which had previously been occupied by Motherwell & Lapsey's nailworks. New buildings were added as the business expanded, and the tall chimney was built in 1905 at a cost of £300. The buildings were demolished in 1967.

Reference: 360.78.177

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Buchanan's Confectionery Works, chimneys, confectioners, factories, John Buchanan & Bros, Motherwell & Lapsey, parks, Phoenix Park, sweets

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