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Fra Newbery
Fra Newbery

Andrew Watson
Andrew Watson

Holyrood Vaults c 1890

Burrell Collection Photo Library

Holyrood Vaults c 1890

The Holyrood Vaults at the corner of Gallowgate and Claythorn Street, c 1890s. The windows and facade are decorated with advertisements for the famous beverage brands of the day - Bass Pale Ale, Tennents Lager, Guinness Stout, and Teacher's (Scotch) and Coleraine (Irish) whiskies.

John McElroy's pub, established in 1845, occupied a late-18th century tenement at 384-388 Gallowgate. The building has the nepus or tympan gable on the front elevation, the rusticated quoins and rolled skew-putts which are typical of the architectural style of the period in which it was built.

Reference: 141.77.149

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

beer, drinking, gables, Holyrood Vaults, lager, lamp posts, public houses, pubs, Scotch whisky, streetscenes, tenements

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