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The Brigton Team

Burrell Collection Photo Library

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The Brigton Team

"The Brigton Team" - a group of young men in Bridgeton, just before the First World War.

This photograph was taken in Colbert Street, behind the ice cream parlour. It provides a splendid record of male, working class fashions of the day - the youngsters are dressed to kill in their smart suits, polished boots, buttoned-up waistcoats and neatly-knotted ties. Their broad flat caps were also highly fashionable, although they might seem a little strange to the modern eye .

Jack Johnston is second from the left. He was a railway carter who emigrated to Canada after the First World War.

Reference: 85.84.42

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Brigton Team, carters, dandies, emigration, First World War, flat caps, ice cream parlours, men's fashions, railway workers, suits

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