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Mark McManus
Mark McManus


Burrell Collection Photo Library


Ixias by Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1828).

This pencil and watercolour illustration was created by Mackintosh while on holiday with his wife on St Mary's in the Scilly Isles in 1904. Mackintosh had been making pencil flower drawings since his days as a student. He used these early drawings as a design vocabulary, selecting items to be used as decorative details in his other works. In 1901 he started adding colour to his flower drawings, and they evolved into pictures in their own right.

Almost all of Mackintosh's flower drawings until 1915 were of wild flowers which he found in meadows, hedgerows and woods during his annual holidays, while his later works depict cultivated varieties.

Reference: PR.1969.12.b

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

art, artists, design vocabularies, Ixias, watercolours, wild flowers

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