Engineering Industry by Stephen Adam, c1878. This is one of a series of twenty stained glass windows from Maryhill Burgh Halls depicting local trades and professions. One man stands holding technical drawings or plans alongside a workman who holds a spanner and is operating a machine.
The earliest mechanical engineering work in the Glasgow area involved the manufacture and repair of machinery for textile and grain mills. After 1850 there was a rapid growth in the engineering industry in the city and outlying districts. Other engineering disciplines were developed, including machine tool manufacture, stationary steam enginemaking, sugar machinery manufacture, marine engineering, boilermaking, locomotive building, vehicle building, shipbuilding, structural engineering and many, many more.
Reference: 621.86.30
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museum
engineering, engineering draughtsmen, engineers, machinery wheels, Maryhill Burgh Halls, spanners, stained glass windows
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