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George Square

People's Palace, Social History File

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George Square

George Square in the 1890s, from the entrance to Queen Street Station.

In the foreground, two men have stopped while one hunches over to light his pipe. A charabank pulled by three horses is travelling west along George Street past a line of cabs waiting in the sunshine for passengers. The new City Chambers (completed in 1889) can be seen in the background, to the left of the column on top of which stands a statue of Sir Walter Scott - the world's first monument dedicated to the famous author, erected in the square in 1837.

Reference: PP.1977.17.1

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

cabs, charabancs, George Square, Glasgow City Chambers, horses and carriages, Monument to Sir Walter Scott, monuments, Scott Monument, smokers, statues

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