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Alhambra Theatre

The Crollas, c 1920

People's Palace, Social History File

The Crollas, c 1920

The Crolla family at the door of their cafe, c 1920.

Thousands of Italians settled in Glasgow in the late 19th and early 20th century. Many opened cafes specialising in ice cream and, recognising the effects of the weather on popular tastes, especially in winter, diversified into fish and chips. Mr and Mrs Crolla came to Glasgow from Italy in 1908 and opened a cafe at 284 Main Street in Bridgeton. The family remains in business today, managing Crolla Ice Cream in Jessie Street, Polmadie.

Reference: PP.1987.167.1 / SP.2002.12

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

cafe owners, cafes, children, Crolla Ice Cream, families, fish and chips, ice cream, Italians, The Premier Cafe, women

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