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The Commune

People's Palace, Social History File

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The Commune

The Commune was a periodical edited by the Glasgow-based anarchist and communist Guy Aldred. It was printed by the Bakunin Press which was based in Aldred's house in Woodside. The periodical was the official journal of the Anti-Parliamentarian Communist Federation which was founded in 1921 when the Glasgow Communist Group and the Glasgow Anarchist Group joined forces.

Aldred was a Londoner who moved to Glasgow in 1912. As a teenager he had been an evangelist but he lost his religious faith and turned instead to anarcho-communism. He edited a number of radical political broadsheets and championed many left-wing causes until his death in 1963.

Reference: PP.1982.39.26 / SP.2000.89

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

anarchism, anarchists, anarcho-communism, anarcho-communists, anti-parliamentarianism, Anti-Parlimentarian Communist Federation, Bakunin Press, communism, communists, Glasgow Anarchist Group, Glasgow Communist Group, Pan, political broadsheets, political periodicals, politics, The Commune

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