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The Stewart family

People's Palace, Social History File

The Stewart family

Archibald Stewart with his wife and family outside their house in Partick.

The Stewarts lived in a self-contained house in Partick Station bye-way, next to Hayburn Crescent. Victorian families were generally larger than families today and Mr and Mrs Stewart had seven children. Mrs Stewart had a maidservant to help her with housework, which must have been considerable given the size of the family. It was common for even moderately well-off families to employ servants in this period, and "going into service" was a popular and respectable choice of occupation for many young women.

Reference: PP.1978.101.24 / SP.2000.79 (Partick) / 80.169

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

children, families, maidservants, servants, women

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