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Municipal Tripery

People's Palace, Social History File

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Municipal Tripery

The re-modelled tripery at the Corporation Slaughterhouse next to the Meat Market in Graham Square, 1911. Many of the women workers appear to be bare-footed.

The first municipal slaughter house was built in 1744 on the Skinner's Green near the river. By the beginning of the First World War there were three, one attached to the cattle market in Graham Square, a second in Scott Street (established in 1846) and a third in Victoria Street (1866).

Reference: PP.1980.114

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

fleshers, food industry, food processing, Glasgow Corporation, horse and cattle markets, Magistrates, markets, meat markets, offal, Skinner's Green, slaughter houses, tripe, triperies, tripery, women

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