An Anchor Line poster from 1927.
This poster advertises the shipping line's service from Glasgow to New York via Londonderry. During the 19th and early 20th centuries the Anchor Line carried many emigrants to North America, with regular services from Scotland and Northern Ireland. From 1868 the company also offered a "transmigrant" service from Scandinavian ports, bringing passengers from Oslo and Gothenburg to Leith and then transferring them by rail to Glasgow to join ships bound for the USA.
The Anchor Line's transatlantic passenger services came to an end in 1956.
Reference: T82-02
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
advertisements, Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers), emigration, liners, posters, sailors, shipping lines, ships, ships' bridges, ships' compasses, ships' wheels, transmigrants, transmigration
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