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A 1927 Anchor-Donaldson Line poster advertising for men wishing to emigrate to Canada.

Anchor-Donaldson was created in 1916 when two Glasgow-based shipping lines, the Anchor and the Donaldson, created a jointly-owned company to operate services to Canada.

Canada had been a favourite destination for Scots emigrants since the United States gained its independence in 1783. It remained popular in the 1920s owing to the abundance of work available there and the additional "pull" factor provided by the numerous and distinctive Scottish communities established across the Dominion by earlier emigrants. Anchor-Donaldson was able to sell many one-way tickets to Canada by advertising job opportunities such as these.

Reference: T82-02

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

advertisements, Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers), Anchor-Donaldson Line, Andania, Athenia, Cunard Steam Ship Co, emigration, Letitia, shipping lines

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