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Car 92

Museum of Transport

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Car 92

Car 92 at the North Rotunda, Stobcross.

Car 92 had originally been a double-decker horse-drawn tram car operated by the Glasgow Corporation Tramways. When the system was electrified Car 92 was converted to electric traction and cut down to a single-decker. It is seen here at some time between 1906 and 1912, operating on the route which terminated at the Stobcross passenger ferry.

Behind the tram is the North Rotunda, the round brick building that was the entrance to the north end of the Glasgow Harbour Tunnel. The tunnel (actually three separate tunnels) was built 1891-1895, but is now closed to the public. The North Rotunda has been restored and converted to a restaurant and casino.

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

advertisements, Car 92, casinos, electric trams, Glasgow Corporation Tramways, Glasgow Harbour Tunnel, horse-drawn trams, North Rotunda, restaurants, rotundas, single-deck trams, Stobcross passenger ferry, tunnels

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