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James Livingstone

Museum of Transport

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James Livingstone

Platform inspector James Livingstone at Central Station.

Livingstone left school to start work when he was ten. In 1905, aged fourteen, he got a job with the Caledonian Railway Co at Crow Road Station as a clerk porter. He was determined to work his way further up the career ladder, and constantly applied for promotion. By 1915 he was an inspector at Central Station and so continued working for the Caledonian during the First World War. As he had a weak heart he was not accepted for military service and so he continued to work for the Caley. During this time he met his wife, Elizabeth Crighton, who was assisting the war effort by working as a railway guard, formerly an entirely male preserve. They married in 1924.

After the war Livingstone was promoted again, to the post of platform inspector at Central Station. He finally retired in 1953, after forty-eight years working on the railways.

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Caledonian Railway Co, Glasgow Central Station, platform inspectors, ticket inspectors, women

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