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Penilee in Wartime
Penilee in Wartime

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Banana Boots

Busworks machine shop

Museum of Transport

Busworks machine shop

Female operative in the machine shop at Larkfield busworks.

When war broke out in 1939, Glasgow Corporation Transport recruited women to fill the many jobs left vacant as men joined up to fight. Most women gladly gave the jobs back to the men as they returned when the fighting ended. However, the Transport Department suffered from staff shortages after the war and some skilled women stayed on.

This photograph shows a woman either re-grinding or de-coking a cylinder in the machine shop at the Larkfield busworks some time in the late 1940s or early 1950s.

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

buses, busworks, Glasgow Corporation Transport, Larkfield bus depot, machine shops, women

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