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Stained glass window

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Stained glass window

Detail of stained glass window in Salmon House, 12 University Gardens.

Salmon House was designed by architect, J Gaff Gillespie (1870-1926) and built in 1900 for William Workman of the merchants and shipbuilders George Smith & Sons. Its interior decoration and fittings incorporate influences from both Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Art Nouveau. The house was brought by the University in the 1950s and has been used by the Department of English Language and Literature for teaching and administration since the 1960s.

The stained glass was designed by Oscar Paterson (1863-1934). The meaning of the legend Der Spassy Ogel is unclear - answers on a postcard to the editor, please!

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU50/1

University of Glasgow

artists, Der Spassy Ogel, English Language and Literature, George Smith & Sons, Salmon House, shipbuilders, stained glass, University of Glasgow buildings

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