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University of Glasgow

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow, 1966.

The Gilbert Scott Building on Gimorehill, with its distinctive tower and quadrangles, is at the top of the picture. University Avenue runs up the middle of the picture separating Gilmorehill (right) from Hillhead to the north. To the west of the Gilbert Scott Building are the University's science departments, including the Kelvin Building, the Bower Building, the Davidson Building and West Medical Building, the Joseph Black Building, and the Zoology Building. Glasgow Western Infirmary is in the bottom right corner of the photograph.

In Hillhead, distinctive landmarks include the round Reading Room, the adjacent Wellington Parish Church and the new University Library, then under construction. The Adam Smith Building and Lilybank House lie to the west of the library site and work has begun on the construction of the Queen Margaret Union on University Gardens. The Stevenson Recreation Building, University Union, and Gilmorehill Hall are at the far end of University Avenue.

The large triangle of houses at the bottom of the picture was demolished in the late 1960s, to permit the re-alignment of University Avenue and the construction of nurses' homes.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU62/5

University of Glasgow

Adam Smith Building, aerial views, Bower Building, Bute Hall, churches, Davidson Building, Gilbert Scott building, Gilmorehill Hall, Glasgow University Library, Glasgow University Union, Glasgow Western Infirmary, hospitals, infirmaries, James Watt Building, Joseph Black Building, Kelvin Building, Kelvingrove Park, Lilybank House, Modern Languages Building, parks, Principal's Lodging, Professors' Square, Queen Margaret Union, Reading Room, Refectory, Stevenson Building, terraced houses, terraces, University Chapel, University of Glasgow buildings, Wellington Parish Church, West Medical Building, Zoology Building

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